Reading for pleasure


This unit and its lessons are related to pieces of paper with letters under a cover that tell a story, books, some are just that, but for many others, they are a delight for the mind, take some cookies or snacks, coffee or tea, and sit under the window to dive into that world. Reading for pleasure is not something that many people do, but there is a rainbow of colors for every taste. 

In this unit I learned how to classify these books, according to the story they carry, their genre, these may be: 

We can describe a book by how we refer to it, the expressions we use, like these: 

             Likes:                                                                                                                 Dislikes: 

- I can't get enough of them                                                                                             -  Can't get into it 

- Can't put it down                                                                                                             - Aren't my thing

     -  real page-turner                                                                                                        - They put me to sleep



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